Developed By Subject Matter Experts
Interactive Activities
Mobile Friendly
Course information
Mindfulness plays a major part in improving our mental health. It aims to decrease judgement and reduce the amount of time we spend dwelling on things which have happened in the past and worrying about the future.
The main aim of this course is to inspire you to live more mindfully. That is, how to enjoy the present moment, free from stress or worry.
The course is divided into two short sections. The first being an introductory part that covers the following topics:
- What is mindfulness?
- The benefits of mindfulness
- Mindfulness at work
- A guide to mindfulness practice
The second section of the course is a 7-minute mindfulness meditation that can be used before, during or after work to help release stress, and improve your general productivity.
This course has been optimised for desktop and mobile viewing.
CertificateCertificate of completion
Duration15-20 mins