Lead Difficult Conversations
Developed By Subject Matter Experts
Interactive Activities
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Course information
It's vital for good leaders to know how to handle tough conversations. Even though these conversations can be hard and uncomfortable, they're something leaders have to deal with. This course looks at tackling sensitive subjects, building strong professional relationships and providing constructive feedback in the most challenging situations.
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
- Acknowledge the importance of difficult conversations and comply with legal requirements before engaging in them.
- Use a range of communication techniques to have difficult conversations with empathy.
- Learn to approach difficult conversations with confidence and find solutions that benefit all parties involved.
- Understand the steps to take after engaging in a difficult conversation and be prepared to determine your next course of action.
This course marks the beginning of a series focused on developing your communication skills as a leader. Once you successfully complete this course, you have completed the suite! Good job.
CertificateCertificate of completion
Duration15-20 mins