Build Effective Relationships
Developed By Subject Matter Experts
Interactive Activities
Mobile Friendly
Course information
Building strong relationships is paramount for effective leadership. These connections foster trust, open lines of communication, and create a sense of unity among team members. Leaders who invest in relationships find it easier to motivate, collaborate with, and inspire their teams, ultimately driving success through a shared sense of purpose and loyalty.
By the end of this course, you'll have a better understanding of:
- The importance of work team objectives, consultations, and effective communication for task achievement.
- Fostering positive relationships, managing diversity's impact on collaboration, and networking strategies.
- Handling poor performance, resolving conflicts, understanding legislative requirements, and managing your role in conflicts.
- Assessing personal performance in leading relationships and identifying areas for improvement.
This course is the second step in a sequence of three courses dedicated to team leadership. After this, we suggest exploring: "Leading a High-Performance Team”.
CertificateCertificate of completion
Duration15-20 mins